Monday, March 31, 2008

get to know me a lil better

laily ask me to roll it, so i'm rolling here sista!
*lame lame i know*
so, here goes 8 randoms facts about myself

1. history turns me on, seriusly. while everybody complaint how much they hate it during high school, i love it. i can spend hours n hours watching the history channel or reading up on historical books. stories of King Henry or the Egyptian's pharaohs or Alexander the Great etc, these ppl, their life tales, their time period, the battles n how they shape our today's world is fascinating. so, museum is a must in my travel itinerary. There's a lot to learn from their mistakes n great achievement i must say. by da way, did u guys watch The Tudors series? Jonathan Rhys Myers is one HOT King Henry! ok, totally irrelevant here but still...

2. i love pillows. i need to have at least 2 pillows in my bed. if i only have one, i rather use it as bolster rather than alas kepala. dat being said, i can sleep perfectly well without pillow anywhere, anytime. i wouldn't be crowned the title 'Ratu Tidur' by Mat Shah for nothing, eyyyyy~

3. i am the ultimate domestic goddess when i am in extreme state of stress. i will clean the whole house, do my laundry plus the ironing, tidy up my study desk n bake n cook. when i said clean i mean sweep n mop the floor, clean the toilet n even scrub the tiles. even the windows are not spared. while i'm scrubbing the tiles i imagine it's the trigger of my stress n i am tonyoh-ing it in da face so hard, it's getting the punishment for making me so stressed out. i used to do this a lot back in Vista C so Nana n Muni, if u find our bathroom extra clean, u know wat it means *also becoz of the visit from dat tuttttt* but here, all the messes made by my super pig lazy rumet, x kuasa aku nk layan!

4. i can be so blur when it comes to understanding a guy's intention of being more than a friend. this one time a lil bit long ago, there tis one guy who is quite cute who rumours had it, fancy me *and i fancy him too*. so he finally ask me out after tons of smses -albeit we stay in da same building- so we went out, watch movie, eat yada yada the usual la. then on lrt rides home, we were talking about relationships and he ask "nk kapel tak?" which i respond with "if it's the right guy n if it's the right time, why not?" then we went on talking about other stuffs n then he ask again the same question n me being lumpi n all blurt out the same question. n he repeat for at least one or two times n still i'm firm on my answer. it wasn't some time later *about months later* that i finally got into thinking he might of meaning to ask me to be his GF. aihhh melepasss la. he's quite a catch i tell u. so, the next time anyone of u wanna make me ur GF, pls be clear...with words n actions

5. i was a naqibah back in school. yup, i was one of those konon alim ppl who walk around with holier-than-thou attitude who doesn't walk the talk. well, the rebellious one or u can say the black sheep of the family. the reason why i was nominated and choosen by seniors is so dat somehow i can change from being kurang ajar *yep, i was labeled dat becoz i hardly smile n give salam to seniors when i bump to them* to being the role model junior i guess?well, dat work very not well i can tell you, i nvr conduct any usrah session let alone join the weekly meeting at the surau or come down for a good junior bashing sessions in the girls musolla.i am not a big fan of doing a religious related thing without any ikhlasness attach to it so kalu dh setan tu, setan la jugak...wat say u ayuni, ketua naqibah kite? thehehehehehe

6. i never pass out for the last 23 almost 24 years i am on this planet. well, at least not as far as i remember. never do i ever had a nosebleed either. or break or at least crack any bone even after an MVA accident. it makes me feel as if i'm the weird one not to even experience this seemingly normal abnormal condition once in a while...make me think am i a freak? i mean every one of u at least experience it once right? not dat i'm complaining or anything, it just kinda like peer pressure *ok i'm crapping*

7. i dun know how to tell ppl off nicely i.e diplomatic. it just like this one social skill i never *yet* develop? if i dun like sumthing i just say, i dun like it...without all those yummy sugar coating laced words. i know it hurt lots of ppl but it can be frustrating sumtimes when u tel ppl off nicely or hinting to them about wat u dun like, they don't get it n they do it again n in the end u gonna burst out at them. n fear not, no one is spared, not even family members of mine n rest assured dat i am learning and trying to communicate better

8. i hate rain but i also love it. i hate the wetness but i love the cozy and cold ambiance dat nvr fails to make me pull up my comforter n sleep in esp in da morning. add in steamed tapioca with fried salted fish n freshly grated young coconut sprinkled with salt ahhhh heavennnn~

next stop would be nana, apih, nurule and ariff

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